Sunday, July 9, 2017

How to Gear up for a New Theatre Teaching Position while on Summer Break

Are you getting ready to start your very first job as a Theatre Teacher? Are you transferring to a new school as a Theatre Teacher? If so, I have made a "Summer Survival Tips" video to help you prepare for your upcoming school year while you're still on summer break.

Background: I am going into my 5th year of teaching theatre this fall. Right out of college, I got a job teaching high school (the same place I did my student teaching) and taught there for 2 years. I then moved to a bigger city to teach theatre to K-5 students in the public school setting. How cool is that to see an elementary school offer theatre to young, creative minds?! I am now beginning a new journey back to teaching high school, but this time at a HUGE school with over 1700 students. To me, that is huge.

So I've been preparing for a smooth transition into my new position and I thought I'd share my tips with you on my YouTube channel! Click here to watch the video and feel free to leave a comment as to what you'd like to see next, or any questions you may have!

Enjoy & break a leg on your new job!